Port forwarding

For troubleshooting purposes it is often practical to port forward a service in k8s.

This is also the only way to access certine admin interfaces that aren't exposed with an ingress

Generic service

This is the general way to expose any service with a port-forward. In a step to reduce the use of legacy IP, binding to ipv6 is forced in this example, note you might want to bind to ::1 instead of ::

kubectl -n NAMESPACE port-forward svc/SERVICE_NAME PORT:PORT --address="::"


If troubleshooting fluxcd, it might be nice to have a more visual representation of what services are in fluxcd.

For this purpose a capacitor deployment exists, but isn't exposed via any ingress for security reasons, to forward it run the following command

kubectl -n flux-system port-forward svc/capacitor 9000:9000 --address="::1"

CEPH dashboard

When troubleshooting ceph/rook, it might be nice to use the ceph dashboard, it can be exposed using the following command

kubectl -n rook-ceph port-forward svc/rook-ceph-mgr-dashboard 7000:7000 --address="::"

In order to login use the username "admin", and the password provided by the following command.

kubectl get secret -n rook-ceph -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' rook-ceph-dashboard-password | base64 -d